Friday, June 7, 2024

Homemade Nut Cocoa Spread: A Delicious and Healthy Treat

If you're a fan of chocolate spreads but want a healthier version than what you find in stores, making your own nut cocoa spread at home is a fantastic option. It's easier than you might think, and the result is a rich, creamy, and customizable treat that you can enjoy on toast, in smoothies, or straight from the jar. 

Is Nutella Healthy option ?

The main ingredient used in Nutella is not cocoa powder or hazelnuts but mainly from palm oil and sugar which is s bad option. The high sugar content, making up over half of Nutella's composition, poses a significant health risk. For those seeking healthier alternatives, homemade nut cocoa spreads can be a great option, allowing control over the ingredients to reduce sugar and unhealthy fats. Additionally, some store brands offer spreads with reduced sugar and healthier fat sources. While Nutella offers a delightful indulgence, being mindful of its health implications and exploring healthier alternatives can contribute to better overall dietary choices. Here's what you'll need to get started:


  • 2 cups of nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, or cashews work well)
  • 1/4 cup of cocoa powder (unsweetened)
  • 1/2 cup of sweetener (maple syrup, honey, or agave syrup)
  • 1/4 cup of coconut oil 
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt
  • Optional: 1-2 tbsp of milk or milk alternative (for a creamier texture)

Preparation Method

  1. Roast the Nuts:

    • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
    • Spread the nuts evenly on a baking sheet and roast for 10-15 minutes until they are fragrant and slightly browned. This enhances the flavor and makes them easier to blend.

  2. Cool and Peel:

    • Allow the nuts to cool slightly. If using hazelnuts, you can rub them between a kitchen towel to remove the skins, although this step is optional as it can add a bit of extra texture and flavor.
  3. Blend the Nuts:

    • Place the roasted nuts in a food processor or high-speed blender.
    • Blend until the nuts turn into a smooth butter. This can take several minutes, and you may need to stop and scrape down the sides of the bowl occasionally.
  4. Add the Cocoa and Sweetener:

    • Once the nut butter is smooth, add the cocoa powder, sweetener, coconut oil, vanilla extract, and salt.
    • Blend again until all the ingredients are well combined and the spread is smooth and creamy.
  5. Adjust Consistency:

    • If the spread is too thick, add a tablespoon of milk or milk alternative at a time and blend until you reach the desired consistency.
  6. Store and Enjoy:

    • Transfer your homemade nut cocoa spread to a clean jar.
    • Store it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Allow it to come to room temperature before using for a smoother texture.

Customization Tips

  • Nuts: Feel free to experiment with other nuts such as almonds, cashews, or a mix of your favorites.
  • Sweeteners: Adjust the amount and type of sweetener to suit your taste. 
  • Flavors: Add a dash of cinnamon, a splash of almond extract, or a spoonful of coffee for a unique twist.
  • Texture: For a chunkier spread, reserve a handful of nuts, chop them finely, and stir them into the finished spread.

Creative Uses

  • Breakfast Boost: Spread on toast, bagels, or pancakes for a delicious start to your day.

  • Fruit Dip: Pair with apple slices, banana chunks, or strawberries for a healthy snack.
  • Baking Ingredient: Use as a filling for pastries, a frosting for cakes, or swirled into brownies.

  • Smoothies: Add a spoonful to your morning smoothie for a chocolatey boost.

Making your own nut cocoa spread not only gives you control over the ingredients and flavors but also provides a satisfying and wholesome alternative to store-bought versions.

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